Friday, February 18, 2011

Israel in the EU

Berlusconi has said a lot of things, but his latest assertion during a visit to Israel that Israel should be part of the European Union has to be one of the most stupidest things he has ever said, and he has a lot of these to his name.
He stated that "My greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union,"
First Israel is not even geographically in Europe, second it is not cultural European (although what is cultural European?) and third just like Turkey has the problem with its occupation in Cyprus, Israel has a huge problem with its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem in that it is against international Law. Finally, there is the question of history to consider. Israel became a country in 1948 after much deliberation and it has already shown that it is willing to defy international law, with this in mind what guarantees would there be that it would obey EU law?
 So sorry Mr Berlusconi but your greatest desire is not going to be fulfilled..

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